You can see thousands of billboards in the city of Jakarta. It seems that the advertisers have the mentality that the bigger the billboard, the better will be the results. The billboards are there to catch the attention of drivers and pedestrians on the road or walkways. Many of these billboards have very colorful and distinctive visuals and catchy witty slogans. Sometimes too many billboards on the road may give the impression of untidy and chaotic streets or highways. Perhaps it is because these billboards are not properly organized or layout on the roads or buildings. Personally I like billboards as they add color and vibrancy to the place. If I am stuck in the congested traffic in Jakarta, I do glance at the billboards around me.
I do hope that the traditional billboards that are around will still be used for a long time to come. It will be disappointing to see LCD billboards replacing the current ones. In fact, I see that the LCD and traditional billboards can co-exist in harmony. LCD billboards need electricity for it to work and this may drive up advertisement costs and eventually the cost of the product itself. The Jakarta administration has to remember that just last year, the cost of fuel and electricity had shot up to the roof, before tampering off because of the global recession. Also, there is the common problem of frequent power failures and disruptions in this city.
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